This is a theme park site concept completed for my Junior year studio class. The client asked for a theme park ride design with an emphasis in Extended Reality. My team focused on a 1960's sci-fi theme and designed the experience to take over the Stitch Ride at Disney World's Tomorrowland.

The site was created as a complete walk-through in Virtual Reality. We created a full-scale model of the site location, a queue line experience, and game concept for our ride.
Physical Site Concept
Queue Line/Ride Graphics
Virtual Ride Concept

Catwalk Before VR

Catwalk After VR

Research and Brainstorming
Our team had to start by researching the build site. We found the specifications of the physical space and blueprints, then started developing the guest's experience.
Concepts and Production
Next was the intensive process of the design pipeline. Designing characters, rooms, and experiences until we all thought the concepts felt cohesive to the theme and style.
We started with Exxie, our main character, who the audience would be interacting with the most.
The Action Room Development
Each ride consists of a group entering a play room with four physical consoles. Through VR, we made the rooms into a cockpit of a ship. Each player is responsible for a console.
To control the consoles, we designed a physical controller for the player. Controllers activate the consoles to begin the minigames and act as a multi-tool. Controllers can pass orbs, shoot lasers, and be altered to fit a new situation.
Each console looks the same, but has different mini games. The more successful a mini game was played, the more orbs a player received. Each player has their own console and each console creates a different orb.
The Console Orbs: Repair Orb, Ammo Orb, and Energy Orb. The fourth console belongs to the "pilot", who is responsible for the radar and incoming enemies. Each Orb can be passed or kept.
The Repair Orb fixes consoles. The Ammo Orb allows players to shoot lasers at enemies from their controllers. The Energy Orb increases console efficiency.
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